The History of The Empire:
- The Age of War -
Origins of The Empire
The Empire began with humble beginnings when a choir teacher had to leave class for a few minutes. He decided to place Kirk in charge while he was away. Kirk then decided it was necessary to establish order, he hired bodyguards and proclaimed himself the Crown. He taxed the citizens of their pencils to grow the Royal Treasury and strengthen this new empire. Applications for citizenship soon grew exponentially.
The Daisy Rebellion
With great success, however, come people who will want to rob you of it. Many small rebellions against The Empire were founded, but none were as prevalent as the Daisies. The Daisies may not have been as successful as they were if it wasn't for Mya, she worked as the Royal Craftsman closely with the Crown until she betrayed The Empire and helped to form the Daisies.
Royal Crown Election
After a short conflict, an agreement was reached. The Royal Crown Election was announced as a part of Operation P.R.E.S.S.. In this agreement, both parties agreed to hold an election for who would be the next Crown of The Empire. As a part of the agreement, the Daisies dissolved and all rebels joined The Empire. After much anticipation, the winner of the Royal Crown Election was announced to be the leader of the Daisies, now codenamed, The Rose Thorn.
Operation C.O.U.P.
The majority of citizens of The Empire were enraged by the result. After rumors began to circulate regarding the Daisies rigging the election a civil war was about to commence. A citizen named Kristiaan initiated Operation Crown Ostracism from Uniform Powers. In this operation, the Crown can be temporarily replaced with a majority vote. In a landslide vote, it was decided that Kirk would gain the status of Acting Crown for the next two weeks.
Daisies Strike Back
Shortly after the execution of Operation C.O.U.P. the Daisies announced their reformation in a short video broadcast. Rose Thorn, the previous Crown, played a key part in the reformation. The Acting Crown made an attempt to quell the fears of the citizens but they only had more questions.
Crown Press Conference
The Acting Crown decided to call an Emergency Press Conference where all citizens can have the opportunity to get answers to any questions they may have had. In the broadcast, it was announced that because of the treasonous acts performed by the Rose Thorn they surrendered their right to the throne. The Daisies attempted to use the broadcast to spread their reach.
Video has been moved to The Archives
Operation E.M.B.E.D.
Daisy Operation E.M.B.E.D. (Ending Malarkey Before Entire Disaster) was discovered by The Empire in a spy operation against the Daisies. It details their plan to kidnap the Crown and sieze control of The Empire. This led to the initiation of Operation Au Revoir.
Operation Au Revoir
Crown Operation Au Revoir was immediately put into action. The Citizens gained three duties as a part of this.
Protect The Crown at all costs.
The FCHS branch of The Empire is to have no physical contact with the Crown for the safety of the citizens.
All pencils are to be surrendered to the Crown.
Video has been moved to The Archives
Empire Leadership Confrence
With Operation Au Revoir still in effect, The Empire Leadership Conference was an event hosted by the Crown inviting all royals of The Empire for a discussion proceeding a broadcast. The broadcast included messages from many of the royals. Not all royals however were able to attend. One of the many important announcements was the lowering of pencil taxes to merely one per week. The FCHS branch is not liable for taxes until their citizenship is renewed in August.
Video has been moved to The Archives
Empire-Daisy Peace Meeting
On July Fourth, 2023 there was an emergency unscheduled peace meeting between the royals and the leaders of the Daisies. Many Daisies shared their intentions of joining The Empire claiming that they, "have already won." (Referencing the lowering of taxes.) After much deliberation, both parties saw the intentions of the other. Peace was declared and the Daisies were to join The Empire. It was decided that an Empire Constitutional Convention was to be held, along with a broadcast.
Constitutional Convention
Video Remains Currently Within The Archives
- A New Age -
As the war comes to a close a New Age dawns on The Empire. At this time this "New Age" has not been designated a name, time will tell what this age will become.
Want another source of news for this New Age?
The Year of Quiet
Thus commenced a time of peace and relative calm, there was little communication from the government as there were no pressing issues present. It was at this time when Crown began work on a new secret project. This is where we are now.